‘I Poo in Blue’

I know this ad campaign came out last year, but I was abroad for nearly all of last year so I missed out on a good laugh–until now!

“When it’s a #2…I look like #1.”

Apparently, this limited edition of Huggies Little Movers Jeans Diapers was available in the U.S. from June through July 2010. They were first available in Israel in 2007 and enjoyed success in more than 20 countries.

For their North American debut, Huggies implemented a “comprehensive integrated marketing program” that I imagine would have had quite a reach.

Excerpt from press release:

Utilizing the same tactics as a fashion brand, the team is incorporating a mix of marketing elements that include fashion shows, celebrity partnerships, social media, public relations, digital and e-commerce partnerships, TV, mall and Internet advertising, as well as highly visible and unique in-store displays and cross promotions.

Personally, I think the commercial is very cute (but the fashion shows, while good in concept, were a tad sexualized). I did some searching to find out what mothers’ opinions were and they were divided across a spectrum: some thought the commercial was creepy, some found it cute, others came around later after viewing it again online, and some weren’t sure how they felt about it.

As of right now, the commercial has 3,357 likes and only 189 dislikes on YouTube. I think that losing about 6% of total votes isn’t half bad.

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