Snowy Stroll to the Farmers Market

When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen. A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

It was Saturday. I gently kicked the fluffy snow as Boyfriend and I left a trail of footprints down the mostly snow-covered street. Snow was still falling from the skies. I couldn’t remember when the last time I had taken a walk. I took a big breath of brisk fresh air and beamed at the sky.

Life is just a bit busier nowadays. I work one and a half jobs (willingly!), and between spending most of my hours in the office and a good chunk at the other job, there aren’t many left for myself or the important people in my life.

This stroll to the farmers market felt like a pause on the constant busyness. I’m reminded that I need to slow down sometimes, instead of zipping past the roses with only one thought in mind: getting to the end where I’ll get to plant a whole garden of roses (yep, homeownership with a great big beautiful garden is one of my goals so gotta make that dough!)–the roses of today deserve a moment, too.

The Somerville Winter Farmers Market can be found in the Armory, a white building that I always think of as globe-shaped (think igloo) when it definitely is not (I think my silly mind just wants the building to have that whimsical shape). It is a somewhat non-traditional structure, however, as it was initially built to house the Somerville Light Infantry of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia.

Boyfriend and I made two laps on the first floor (with a visit to the second in between), visiting all the vendors. We ended up purchasing three items: two preserves and a bottle of hot sauce (we loooooove hot sauce).


The first/main floor of the farmers market
This is where we bought the hot sauce!
We spent some time looking at some greens (we also spotted a bottle of hot sauce from this farm, but its consistency didn’t interest us)

When we got home, we topped off the successful farmers market trip with Irish breakfast tea and marmalade on buttered, toasted sourdough bread. Drool.

What simple joys do you relish? I’d love to get more ideas!

Somerville Winter Farmers Market 191 Highland Avenue, Somerville, MA 02143

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